I have loved getting ya'll's letters and reading your emails today!
So I
had a really awesome experience last night. Elder Weatherford and I were
driving to stop by one of our investigators house's who we haven't seen
in a while. As we were driving I got a random thought in my head that we
should go to Eddie's house first. It was weird. We were planing on going
after but I really felt we needed to go their first. My first thought
after this was, "Oh that's weird." Then I thought, "Should we really? Is this
me or the spirit." Well, I turned to my companion and asked, "How far are
we from Eddies?" He replied, "Not too far, but it's in the other
direction. Why?" I replied, "I just got this weird thought that we should
go there first." So we went there instead and then I started praying
that that really was the spirit prompting me and that I wasn't crazy. Well we got to Eddies apt. and no one was home so my companion said we
should check on the Andrews family (recent convert family of 2 adults). So we went down 2 doors in the apartment complex and they were home and
let us in. And they had some friends over so we visited with them all
and prayed at the end and then left. I think we really needed to be
there. I don't know if we will start teaching their friends but I think
it is a possibility especially because they seemed to like us.
This last Sunday was my first Sunday in the actual Mission field and it
was so awesome! It felt like home being in a family ward again! So the members here in Richardson are Awesome! The Hail family had us over for
dinner on Sunday night and I had the most amazing 20 oz. steak ever! The members love missionaries and especially feeding us. Its great!
Wednesday night I realized
that I am now in the shoes of the missionary we had over for dinner
where we fed a missionary from England and I offered him more sticky
rice (the food that night at our house just wasn't all there so the rice
was on the sticky side) and the missionary said yes because he couldn't
say no. Well, I am now that missionary, but I have eaten really good food
that I like (on most occasions but I can always find something I do
like on the table) but you just can't say no to the amazing families
here! So when they bring out a full 1/2 chicken breast for seconds I have
the hardest time saying no even when I'm almost full.
I have seen miracles this last
week! We have an investigator named Samantha and she has been taking
the lessons for a few months and we have recently challenged her to be
baptized on March 30th, but recently she was feeling uncertain about it and the Spirit came as
we were teaching and carried the lesson away! It was awesome! We shared
some scriptures that we were inspired to share as we were teaching and
they both applied so perfectly to her! They were 1 Nephi 4:6 and Mosiah
18:8-10. At the end of the lesson we asked her, "What do you have against
being baptized on the 30th?" and she said, "Nothing!" It was amazing!
Also Ana came to church and is
totally awesome! She is really nice and is totally ready to be baptized
on the 16th! I have loved being able to teach her about the gospel and
help answer her questions!
so blessed everyone!
I'm so excited to hear about my friends who are
leaving to Serve the Lord! And that Kyle Stewart is coming to Dallas - the
mission of miracles! I love ya'll!
Love your Missionary,
Now for the Mommy commentary - Is he just the best or what!! It's so awesome to hear his excitement for the gospel and his excitement for sharing it! He said that he'll be emailing on Saturday's as long as he's a companion to one of the AP's. Apparently they take 1/2 of their P-day on Monday and half on Saturday. So even more reason to look forward to the weekend! I also love that he gives me scriptures to read each week in his emails. It's awesome to get to share in his missionary spirit! He still hasn't emailed any pictures. I'm hoping that he'll send some soon. Once he does I'll be sure to post them! Have a great week!